Tuesday, February 9, 2010

he's rebelling and I'm glad for it

Genesis 25:29--"Now Jacob cooked a stew..."

Recent events have me somewhat unsure of how to proceed in areas of my life. Sometimes when you stop and analyze things a bit much, the picture just gets fuzzier. This has been a good time to set the burden down, refuse to look at it, and focus my attention in other directions.

Today the attention belonged to our big guy who made it back from a weekend away, a weekend centered around teaching and discussions of Scripture. He turned eighteen while gone, celebrating his birthday away from us. Eighteen sounds momentous, but we've always taught them all that chronological age means little if there is no growth in character. He has had growth in character.

As a two year old, his tantrums concerned me. As a four year old, his shyness kept him from others. As a six year old, he read poorly. As an eleven year old, his temper flared viciously. As a fourteen year old, he realized he needed Someone bigger than himself to help him through his problems. As a sixteen year old, he decided he would sign up for every missions trip he could go on. Now as an eighteen year old, he reaches me when others can't.

Tonight we sat on his bed while I prepared some of the school lessons that will finish his schooling by me. While I worked, he shared some of his favorite sermons by pastors who refuse to preach what is popular instead insisting on preaching the truth. He smiled at me at times when one of the speakers made a statement he knew I would appreciate. He told his dad and I about his new opportunities that have been offered to him. He talked about his next missions trip.

He is rebelling against the ways of the world. Somewhere along the way, he left our arms and walked boldly into Another's, deciding to follow the only One who will not fail him. Now he shares that faith with us...with me, at a time when I need it, but cannot receive it from anyone else. All this and he's learning to cook too...tonight he made venison stew.

There was another Jacob who cooked a stew once. His flaws were obvious and his character experienced growth through adversities also. He never became perfect, but he had a place in a plan designed by the same One who's made the plan for this Jake.


  1. Last weekend was amazing, the speakers were so convicting and listening to them really was like trying to take a sip of water from a fire hydrant. Great blog! :)

  2. Tears of joy and pride run down my cheeks as I read this. As I read, I remembered the growing process of my own 3 blessings. God is so faithful, isn't He? We watch our children grow, wonder if they shall ever lay down immaturity, selfishness, tantrums and the like. But somewhere along the way, if a heart is given over to HIM, they change more and more into His image. Thank You Lord for Jake and for a momma and daddy who love him dearly and have taught him well.

  3. I wish my kids had some place to really get fed by a real man of God. It is really lacking and that scares me!
