Monday, October 19, 2009

how we school on days like this

The weather calls us to a different school day than actually is planned on paper. Lesson plans are only to help not dictate.

So it's outside with all the kids after breakfast. Dressed in long sleeves finally, even though this weather only lasts a day or two where we live and then usually back to the 80's. For today, it is autumn and that changes our plans. No workbooks or paper or pens until the outside fun is finished. The public school year originally revolved around the farmers' planting seasons so children could be home to help when needed. So I don't mind changing my lesson plans due to conditions outside.

No they are not out helping with farming or gardens right now, just enjoying the weather and each other. We are lacking proper sports equipment right now so they are playing a mix of kickball and baseball using what they found. I'm sure I could search for lessons for them to learn out there like simple math for the young boys--"if baby Lily finds an ant bed and eats 43 ants, but spits out 38, then how many did she actually consume?" or for the older ones--"which of Newton's law of motion was exercised when the six foot three fella ran over the four foot child as he ran into home plate?" I suppose I could, but no, lessons will happen out there. Without even assigning them.

Usually these are when a lot of character lessons come. One has a bad attitude-time for a lesson. One says ugly words to another-another lesson. One decides the game should be changed because he's not winning--lesson time. They're not all negative lessons though. They learn to enjoy each other's company. They build memories with each other. They learn to watch over each other. And they learn to take advantage of moments that present themselves, moments like today that are better spent with each other than even with words in a book...and I love words in a book.

Ecclesiastes 3:1--"To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:"

1 comment:

  1. Man, this blog brings back memories of when I home schooled my children! I almost cried when I was reading it as I reminisced of those many years ago. Thanks Angel, for just being the precious woman, wife and momma you are to those 5 gifts from God you are blessed with. I love you.
