Monday, August 17, 2009


James 1:17--"Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and coming down from the Father of lights..."

I visited a newborn miracle this weekend. Sweet, tiny new one. My prayer is that his parents learn to trust in the One who is the giver of all good things. But also my prayer is that they never become disenchanted with what they have been given.

It is too easy to allow disenchantment--that "forgetting of the miraculous" that can happen as life progresses. Little ones born, adored, but then as they grow sometimes the miracle of who they are seems diminished. They go from the most special creature ever cuddled to a five year old who asks too many questions and won't calm down. Suddenly, disenchantment.

I feel like I pass by them often in many places. True, I am only seeing a glimpse, maybe they're treated with love at home. But when I see one of the little miracles being spoken to with almost disgust, I cry inside. Have the big people around them forgotten. Forgotten their miracle, forgotten how this one is extra special, this one is going to be brilliant. I cry in my heart sometimes when I see them. I want to tell them "you are brilliant, that's how the One who loves you most made you". It seems that when they are born and grow and begin behaving like us that it is easiest to become disenchanted with the amazing individuals they truly are made to be. Suddenly we don't understand where the spectacular creature went because this one seems to be less than what we hoped.

I want to see the beauty of what You have given in each of these sweet ones everyday. I want them to know that I see it in them. I don't want to look at them as mine because I know if I see them rightly as Yours, then the miracle of who they are stays with me. I don't ever want to be disenchanted.

Psalm 103:2--"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits"

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