Sunday, July 5, 2009

Five Arrows

Psalm 78:56,57--"Yet they tempted and provoked the most high God, and kept not his testimonies; But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers; they were turned aside like a deceitful bow."

I watch all five of them, our little arrows. The responsibility staggers me sometimes. Not so much the day to day care for them. Yes, that's a lot also--the feeding, clothing, caring for them. But that is nothing compared to preparing them for the inevitable. One day they will die, just like me and everyone else, and I have to prepare them for that. That must sound morbid to come right out and say it like that, and no, no one has been given a diagnosis in our family lately that turns my mind to death. But it is going to happen one day so why would I spend so much time preparing them for things that may happen, but not preparing them for what they cannot escape?

I have no hesitation in teaching them about the LORD and teaching them His way. I talk about His Word with them and I pray with them. My concern is me. They watch me. They see where my treasure lies. They pick up on my weaknesses. So I have had to grow just so my arrows stay pointed in the right direction...toward Him.

Sometimes I want to wander. This is when it really gets me--the staggering responsibility. If I wander, my arrows will follow. Arrows can only go in the direction a bow points them. My flesh pulls and an enemy entices and I get very tempted. Sometimes very tempted. I have weak flesh. But I think about my arrows and I cry. Aim them straight for Him so they will be safe on that day, I think. That day that will come for us all. But also aim them straight for Him so they can live abundantly until then. If I don't, if I am a "deceitful bow", they will be the ones to feel the pain.

Avoiding their pain motivates me. Whatever it costs my flesh is worth their lives. I can do without earthly desires that may tug on me. I have been given a handful of arrows and no practice shots. No arrow can be spared. In order for them to go in His direction, I must stay focused on the target first. This is why I hold tight to Him because I know me.

Psalm 19:13--"Keep your servant also from willful sins..."


  1. This was helpful to me today. You made some pretty sobering points and I appreciate it.
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I just commented and my daughter was signed in, so this is MY comment!! Just yesterday our pastor was preaching about it being labor to live for God. We want to live for God, but our flesh is weak. Our flesh says it's hot and we want to wear shorts and no shirt (for men) but the Lord is not pleased with that. Our flesh wants to watch that new movie out with our favorite movie actor in it, but we know there is language, and if we could just watch it when the kids are in bed.....but the Lord says no. He is watching too. It IS labor to live right, but we feel so good when we do!! Just like restraining a child from pitching a fit, God helps us to restrain ourselves from giving in. Yes, our kids will do what we do. Do they see that we love God above all else? I am scared to ask mine, but if I did ask them what does mama love, I might not like the answer, but it would do me good.

  4. Amen~
    We are just passing through this life but it is not our home!
    The only thing we get to take with us are souls!
    Great post!

  5. Oh how I only wish I would have had this understanding when my arrows were young. I wish from Day 1, I'd of given mine the Godly knowledge that you are imparting on your precious arrows. I thank God that when I was 26, I found my Savior and did my best to point my arrows in the right direction from then on. Great wisdom Angel.
