Friday, July 10, 2009

good news in the "begats"

Matthew 1:1-17

A family tree is like a kaleidoscope. Depending on who's in control of it at the time, it displays many different shapes and colors. My family tree shows me who I have come from, but that's about the extent of the power of it. No "great" person in my family tree guarantees me greatness, no "embarrassment" to my tree guarantees me failure. When it's my turn to hold the kaleidoscope, I choose what my contribution will be.

Recently being more careful to slow down when I hit the "begats" in the book of Matthew, Christ's family tree, I looked back at a few of the "kaleidoscope holders" in His line and looked at their "biographies" for some insight.

  • The LORD's plan is not interrupted by man's sinfulness. Our plans might be sidelined, but not His. Just look at Judah's relationship to his son, Pharez. That actually should have been his grandson. His sin caused chaos for some of those around him, but the LORD had a firm plan that was not disturbed. He is in control no matter man's actions.

  • My past before my heart and will turned to the LORD does not prevent me from being an instrument bringing Him glory. Rahab was a harlot, but presented with the choice she chose the LORD and His way of hope. He blessed her life after that choice. He took that that was ugly and made it beautiful. I can imagine that once harlot as an older woman looking at her son, the picture of a kinsmen redeemer, while he was holding his son, the future grandfather of a king.

  • Evil characters in my family tree do not determine my usefulness in the LORD's plan. Ahaz was evil, but his son, Hezekiah served the LORD and did what was right. Godly characters in my tree don't determine my usefulness in the LORD's plan either! Hezekiah served the LORD, but his son did horrible evils. I have to choose for myself if I will follow His way or not. There is no bad seed in my past that insures my failure for Him and there is no blessing from the past that insures my faithfulness.

  • Those who sin after they know the LORD still can participate in His plan. He forgives and restores. Of course, I'm talking about David who though he loved the LORD sinned against Him and faced consequences, but his seed is still in that line. The LORD's love and mercy reach far. David must have been filled with sorrow for years after his sin because of the consequences on his family. But as he breathed his last breath, in that moment just between him and his LORD, he probably rested knowing about the mercies of the LORD.

The LORD has the plan in the works, but He has given me a chance to hold the kaleidoscope right now. I'm not in control of much, just what my actions and choices will be. I cannot break the kaleidoscope or program it for the future. I only have my short little time I'm here to hold it and make a lovely design.

I Corinthians 10:31--"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."


  1. Thank you so much....I needed this today....Once in awhile, I am plaqued with a past that makes me feel defeated (I know where the real defeat is coming from...that "PUNK"...better known as Satan)....all I can say is "PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD, AND PRAISE GOD!"

  2. Thank God he judges us by the heart and not by our family members! I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He is faithful, he cannot lie, if we confess, and he knows if we mean it, then he WILL forgive, that very moment! We don't have to wait and see if he will or we don't have to do any THING, but it is forgiven on the spot. We can start over that very moment with a clean slate.

  3. What a wonderful breakdown of the lies Satan would try to use against us about our family lines....and answered with the "Sword of Truth". It's a great post and great lesson to remember for the times the devil would try to use them. Thanks for sharing this timeless Word.
